[28] [1822. Jan. 7] On motion by Mr. O'Brien Ordered that the petition of Simeon Foster and others be taken from the files of the Senate and committed to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns.
[Notice ordered to the Council elected.] Ordered that the Secretary of State be directed to notify the Hon. Isaac Lane, Mark Harris, James McLellan, Joshua Gage, Ebenezer Williams James Collins and Thomas Vose Esquires – that they have been chosen counsellors by both branches of the Legislature in Convention, agreeably to the Constitution of the State, to advise the Governor in the executive part of the Government for the ensuing year – and to request their immediate attendance on the duties of their office.
[Notice to the Secy. of State] Ordered that the Secretary of the Senate notify Ashur Ware Esq. that he has been elected by the two branches of the Legislature, agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution. Secretary of State for the State of Maine.
[Letter from Secy. of State accepting –] The following letter was received from Ashur Ware Esq. to wit.
Portland January 7, 1822. "Sir I have this morning received a notification from the Secretary of the Senate, of my election, by the two branches of the Legislature, as Secretary of State. In accepting this trust, you will permit me, through you, to express to the Legislature my unfeigned gratitude for this renewed expression of their confidence. – With sentiments of sincere respect,
I am Sir, Your most obt. servt. Ashur Ware." The Hon. President of the Senate."