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[1825 February 18.]

with amendments in a new draft: sent down for concurrence. -

[Committee on the expediency of taking the Cencus [Census] &c]

Order of the House that Messrs. Treat, Deane and Williams with such as the Senate may join, be a committee to consider the expediency of causing the number of inhabitants of the State to be ascertained prior to the next session of the Legislature, in order that the number of Representatives may be then fixed and apportioned among the several Counties, as near as may be, according to the number of inhabitants, having regard to the relative increase of population, with leave to report by Resolve or otherwise,” came up for concurrence, was read and concurred, and Mess Stebbins and Scammon were joined. -


Bill to incorporate the Oxford Bank,” and

Bill to incorporate the Manufacturers Bank,” were read a 2d. time and passed to be engrossed sent down for concurrence. -


Ordered that when the Senate do adjourn, they adjourn to half past nine oclock tomorrow morning. -


Bill in addition to an Act establishing and regulating fees of the several officers and other persons therein named,” was read a 2d. time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House. -

[Report on Petition]

Mr. Green from the committee, on petition of David, Wasgat &als. reported, the petitioners cause an attested copy of their petition with