sent down for concurrence: concurred. -
Bill to repeal an Act to establish Courts of Sessions, and for establishing Courts of Sessions,” came up with amendments in a new draft; and the Senate reconsider their former vote and concur with the House in passing the Bill to be engrossed as amended. -
[absence obtained]
Mr. Parlin asked, and obtained leave of absence, after tomorrow. -
The committee on engrossed Bills, reported a Bill in addition to the several Acts respecting Work Houses and Houses of Correction,” Bill in addition to an Act to secure to owners their property in logs, masts, spars and other timber, and for other purposes,” Bill in addition to an Act concerning Parishes,” Bill to establish a municipal Court in the town of Portland,” to be truly copied, and they were passed to be enacted. -
Mr. Stebbins from the committee, on petition of James Thompson &als. reported a Bill additional to an Act for the limitation of actions, real and personal & writs of error,” which was read twice and passed to be engrossed: sent down for concurrence. -
Bill additional to the several Acts to organize, govern & discipline the Militia,” was read a 2d. time & passed to be engrossed with amendments: sent down for concurrence. - Adjourned
Attest Charles B. Smith, Secretary