[Titles of Resolves]
Resolve in favor of Jackson Davis. -
Resolve authorizing the Land Agent, in conjunction with the Land Agent of Massachusetts, to sell timber on certain undivided Lands. -
Resolve granting compensation to the Chaplains of the Senate and House of Representatives. -
Resolve making appropriation for State Printing. -
Resolve authorizing the Governor to procure a title to the Land upon which the State Arsenal is erected, and for other purposes. -
Resolve in addition to a Resolve apportioning State Representatives. -
Resolve directing the Attorney General to institute a process of Quo Warranto against the Proprietors of Cathance Bridge. -
Resolve authorizing the Land Agent, in conjunction with the Agent on the part of Massachusetts, to examine into the claims of the two States, to certain lands. -
Resolve approving the public services of President Monroe. -
Resolve agreeing to the proposals of the American Asylum
Resolve for the purchase of Stationary. -
Resolve for the payment of contingent expenses. -
Resolve for the payment of Messengers and others. -