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of the State of Maine for the current political year and request their immediate attendance Sent down for concurrence, came up concurred

[Order respecting the vacancy of a Senator in Hancock.]

On motion by Mr Williams, ordered that the Committee on the returns of votes for Senators, be instructed to report who are the Constitutional Candidates, to fill the vacancy of a Senator in the County of Hancock occasioned by the resignation of Mark Sheppard

[Constitutional candidates to fill the same]

Mr Green from the Committee pursuant to the foregoing order reported that the Constitutional candidates to fill the vacancy of a Senator in the County of Hancock, occasioned by the resignation of Mark Sheppard, are Samuel M Pond who had 357 votes and Samuel Whitney who had 285 votes they severally having the highest number of votes among the persons voted for and not elected

[Message proposing a Convention to fill the vacancy of a Senator]

On motion by Mr. Green ordered, that a message be sent to the House of Representatives proposing a Convention of the two Houses tomorrow at ten of the clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of filling the vacancy of a Senator in the County of Hancock occasioned by the resignation of Mark Sheppard and informing them that Samuel M. Pond and Samuel Whitney are the Constitutional candidates.

[Message proposing convention for choosing Counsellors & also]

On motion by Mr. Williams, ordered that a message be sent to the House of Representatives informing that branch of the Legislature that the Senate propose a Convention in the Representative Chamber tomorrow at one quarter past ten of the clock in the forenoon for the purpose of choos-