[6] Order of the House of Representatives, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so far altering and amending the Laws relating to Plantations in this State, so as to give them further powers in respect to boundaries, Law. Agent. Field drivers, Fence viewers, Tythingmen, horses, swine, sheep and goats, Paupers, so far as relates to enforcing payment of other towns, for expenses of supporting their poor, Records of Births and Deaths, filling vacancies in Plantation Officers and Auctioned and to report by Bill or otherwise, was read and passed in concurrence.
On motion by Mr. Williams a Message was sent to the House of Representatives proposing a Convention of the two Houses in the Representatives Chamber, to day at 1/4 past 12 oclock for the purpose of qualifying such Counsellors elect as are ready to take the oaths - and an answer was received from the House by Mr. Child their Clerk that they had concurred in the above proposition
The two Houses met in Convention agreeably to previous assignment, When Daniel Wood, William Chadwick, Jonathan Thayer and Joel Wellington, Counsellors Elect, appeared and took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their duties, before the President of the Senate in presence of both Houses of the Legislature.
The Convention then proceeded to the choice of a Treasurer of State for the ensuing political year: The Committee appointed to receive sort