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read a first time and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a second reading.

Petition of Henry Poor and others for a tax on sales at auction, referred in the House to Messrs Fessenden, Lord and Snow with such as the Senate concurred and joined Messrs Churchill and Williams.

Order of the House of Representatives, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so far altering and amending "An Act passed February 22nd. 1825 entitled "An Act in addition to the several acts in force respecting Work Houses and Houses of Convention, as to make it the duty of the Selectmen of towns to appoint Overseers: Also that the expense of commitment and support of criminals be paid by themselves, when, in the opinion of the Overseers, they are of sufficient ability, and that the keeper have such compensations as the Selectmen shall think just : Also, that any person, who shall supply any Criminal, while in confinement, with spirituous Liquors, shall be punishable by fine, to be recovered before any Magistrate, on complaint by the keeper of the House of Correction, to report by Bill or otherwise, was read and passed in concurrence.

Order that Messrs Smith, Parcher and Pierce with such as the Senate may join be a Committee to inquire into the expediency of fixing on a compensation for the Sheriffs of the several Counties within this State, and regulating their fees and those of their Deputies, and providing for a more