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vote refused to adopt the amendments proposed, further amended the Resolve and passed the same to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence,

Mr. Stebbins from the Conferees on the disagreement of the two Houses in relation to the "Bill additional to enforce the payment of Bank notes and for other purposes," reported that they had met the Conferees on the part of the House, had not any arguments to induce them to change their vote, nor had they succeeded in presenting any views to induce a modification or revisal of the vote of the House, and recommended that the Sneate adhere to their vote by which they passed this Bill in a new draft. Read and accepted and thereupon the Senate voted to adhere

Mr. Stebbins from the Conferees on the disagreement of the two Houses in relation to the " Bill additional to "An Act regulating Judicial process and proceedings," reported that they had conferred with the Conferees on the part of the House and had agreed upon certain amendments to the Bill, Read & accepted and the Senate reconsidered their former votes and passed the Bill to be engrossed as amended agreeably to the Report of the Conferees. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.

Mr. Stebbins from the Committee reported the "Bill additional to provide for the sale and settlement of public Lands, and the same was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence

Mr. Stebbins from the Committee, reported the "Resolve respecting Clerk hire in the officers of the Treasurer and Secretary of State and for other purposes