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that body adhering to their former vote passing the Bill to be engrossed. The House reconsidered their former votes on this Bill so far as to adopt sundry amendments thereto as on sheet annexed marked T, and then passed the Bill to be engrossed as thus amended – and the question was decided by Yeas & Nays as follows [See appendix page 328] yeas 51 nays 41. Sent up for concurrence.

Adjourned until afternoon.

Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.

The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed, Bills – An additional act respecting the Wiscasset Bank. - to incorporate the North Yarmouth Bank - - to authorize John Patten & others to maintain a free bridge over Cathanse [Cathance] river - - altering the terms of the Court of Common Pleas in Lincoln County - - to incorporate the President, Directors & Company of the York County Bank - to prevent intemperance at Elections - - to incorporate the Union Lodge - were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

The same committee reported as duly engrossed Resolve in favor of Erastus Foote - - authorizing the purchase of books for the use of the Legislature. which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill – additional act providing for the government of the State Prison, was reported with sundry amendments which were adopted and then the Bill passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent up for concurrence

Bill – making further provision for legal process, came from the Senate, that body adhering to their vote passing the Bill to be engrossed as taken into a new draft – and the House so far reconsidered their former vote as to pass the Bill to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.