C. continued -
Committee, to revise laws respecting the Education of Youth. 87. 132.
- to revise law incorporating the Cony Female Academy. 94.
- establishing mode of returning votes in classed towns for Representatives &c 101.
- on increasing the salaries of all the Judges of Probate &c 104.
- as to expediency of selling Public Timber injured by the late fires. 104
- on altering powers of Court of Common Pleas – 106.
- taxing – also defining powers of Manufacturing Companies 106. 119. 133. 135.
- to alter valuation of the town of Greenwood. 106.
- to enquire into the condition of the State road through Moscow to Quebec. 110
- giving Oxford Bank further time to get into operation. 111. 130.
- abolishing fees of Judges & Registers of Probate & establishing Salaries. 111.
- abolishing Capital punishments 113.
- altering place of holding the respective terms of C C Pleas in Lincoln Co. 114.
- law for the regulation of Meeting house Proprietors 119. 155.
- revise laws respecting pounds & impounding beasts. 123.
- revise laws respecting Trespass. 123. 115.
- to report what further business it is necessary to act upon &c. 134.
- regulating powers of Land Agent & fixing his duties 134.
- amend law incorporating North Yarmouth Academy. 139.
- Bridge from Kittery Shore to Navy Yard opposite Portsmouth. 140.
-to regulate Alewive fishery in Bristol. 141
- road from Baring to Houlton plantation &c. 146.
- National Astronomical Observatory at Brunswick 146.
- costs in criminal prosecutions &c 146. 177.
- formation of a State Library 146.
- revising laws apportioning Representatives 147. 184.
- limitation of actions real & personal 149.
- make the Governor, ex officio, a member of the Board of Trustees of Bowdoin College 151.
- give towns early information of passage of Laws &c 152. 167.
- place for meeting of the next Legislature 153. 166.
- enlarging powers of Executors, Adminrs & Guardians 154. 177.
- regulating Admission of Attornies [Attorneys]. 164.
- exempting pews from attachment 157. 175.
- authorizing State Treasurer to borrow money 177. 193.
- form of return of votes for Governor &c 185.