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[left column - names] John F Weymouth David Church James Varnum James Footman Samuel Eastman

[right column - towns] Pittsfield. North Salem. Starks. St Albans. Strong.

[underlined]From Penobscot County [left column - names] David J Bent Friend Drake Thomas Davie Reuben Bartlet Joshua Carpenter Alden Nickerson

[right column - towns] Bangor. Dixmont. Dover. Garland. Howland. Orrington.

The Convention was called to order by Mr Fillebrown of Winthrop, and Mr Adams of Portland requested to officiate as Chairman during the organization of the House.

A committee was appointed to receive the credentials of the members, and ascertain if a quorum be present, who having attended to the duty assigned them, reported that one hundred & forty members were present and that seventy five only were requisite to constitute a quorum.

A message was sent to the Senate informing that body that a quorum of the House was then assembled in the Representatives Chamber, and requesting their attendance forthwith, in order that both branches may there be duly qualified.

The Senators came in accordingly and had seats assigned them by the Chairman.

A message was sent to the Governor, informing him that both branches of the Legislature are assembled in the Representatives Chamber & ready to be qualified, and requesting him to attend there, and administer to them the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the