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announced to him his election, and on taking the Chair, the Speaker addressed the House of Representatives as follows, Gentlemen, Before entering upon the duties of the station you have just assigned me, I beg your acceptance of my most grateful acknowledgements for the honor such a distinction confers. Called for the third time, to preside over so much wisdom, intelligence and virtue as always distinguish the House of Representatives of Maine, I would feign consider it as indicating in some degree, a public sentiment of approbation in reference to the past, as well as a generous reliance on your part, upon my continued exertions to merit the confidence reposed in me. I have learnt, however from experience, how much less I ought to trust to my own ability in discharging the arduous duties of the Chair, than to your indulgence and the kind assistance of individual members. Gentlemen, my best endeavours shall not be wanting to give every facility to the business of the session, to aid all your efforts in preserving the honor & dignity of the House, and in promoting the important interests committed to our charge. And may we not all confide in a benign Providence, so to direct those efforts as to render them efficacious in the advancement of private happiness and the public welfare.

Mr Pond of Bucksport, was charged with a message to the Senate informing that body of the organization of the House by the election of John Ruggles Esquire Speaker, and James L Child Esquire Clerk.

Mr Goodenow of Alfred was charged with a similar message to the Governor & Council.

On motion of Mr Evans, it was Ordered that the Rules & Orders of the last Legislature, be the Rules & Orders of the present Legislature until others are adopted.