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12 Order came from the Senate appointing Messrs Stebbins, Francis & Dunn with such as the House may join a Committee to inform Enoch Lincoln Esquire, that he is duly elected to the office of Governor of the State of Maine for the current political year, and that the two branches of the Legislature are ready to convene in the Representatives chamber, that in their presence he may take the oaths of office required by the Constitution: and to receive any communication he may be pleased to make to them - and the House concurred and Messrs Mitchell of Portland, Abbot of Castine, Davis of Augusta, Smith of Nobleboro & Farnsworth of Norridgewock were joined.

Mr Mitchell from the Committee to wait on the Governor elect, & inform him of his election &, reported that the Governor would attend in the Representatives Chamber at 12 oclock, for the purpose of taking and subscribing the oaths necessary to qualify him to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office.

"Message from the Senate by Mr Hutchinson their Secretary. "Mr Speaker, The Senate propose a convention in the Representatives Chamber at 12 o'clock today for the purpose of qualifying the Governor elect, and request the concurrence of the House" - The House concurred & the Clerk was charged with a message to acquaint the Senate therewith.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in Convention at 12 oclock when Enoch Lincoln Esquire, Governor elect, attended by the Council, Secretary & Treasurer of State, preceeded by the Sheriff of Cumberland, came in and took & subscribed the Oaths required by the Constitution to qualify him to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office - and the Secretary of State made public proclamation accordingly -

The Governor then rose in his place and delivered the following Speech [see appendix page] and laid a copy thereof upon the Speakers table.