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18 Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in convention when Daniel Wood, William Chadwick, Jonathan Thayer Joel Wellington & Samuel Whitney, came in, and took and subscribed the oaths required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the duties of their office.

Aaron Blaney returned as a member from Bristol, appeared, presented his credentials, was qualified and took his seat.

Ordered, that so much of the Governor's communication as relates to the public lands be referred to the joint standing committee on State Lands

- so much as relates to the North Eastern Boundary of this State to Messrs Deane of Ellsworth, Vance of Baring & Nickerson of Orrington with such as the Senate may join. 

- so much as relates to Literature and Literary Institutions, to the joint standing Committee on those subjects - - so much as relates to the States Prison to Messrs Burr of Litchfield, Hodgman of Warren & Robbins of Union with such as the Senate may join - - so much as relates to the Massachusetts claim to Messrs Messrs Smith of Nobleboro Mitchell of Portland, & Osgood of Fryeburg with such as Senate may join. - - so much as relates to Banks & Banking to the joint standing committee on that subject - - so much as relates to the simplifying & systematizing the Laws to the joint standing Judiciary Committee - - & so much as relates to the Militia & Military affairs to the joint standing Committee on that subject. Sent up for concurrence

Ordered, that so much of the Governors communication as relates to the Finances of the State, be referred to the Committee on Finance - read & passed.

Ordered that so much of the Governors Communication as relates