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29 Petition of Eleazer Coburne & als - - of Joseph Spaulding Junr & als - of Edward Butler & als - - of Obed Wilson & als - - of Josiah Heald & als - - of Elisha Coolidge & als - - of Moses Chamberlaine & als - of the Inhabts of Anson - - of New Portland - praying for legislative aid in opening a read from Kennebec River to the City of Quebec.

were severally read & referred to the Committee on so much of the Governors Message as relates to the Canada Road. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Jabez P Bradbury & certificates from sundry towns in this State upon the subject of establishing a uniform system of Surveying lands &, were read & referred to the joint special committee of both Houses upon the same subject - Sent up for concurrence.

Adjourned until nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Attest, James L Child Clerk.