several Chaplains of the House as compensation for their services during the present session of the Legislature was read and passed in concurrence
[Pet. of Mansfield Steele & als.] Petition of Marshfield Steele & others was taken up and recommitted to the Committee on Parishes &c
[Report on pet. of James F. Weymouth & als. Selectmen of Pittsfield.] Mr. Stebbins from the Committee on the Judiciary reported leave to withdraw on the petition of James F. Weymouth & others Selectmen of Pittsfield. Read and accepted Sent down for concurrence Concurred
[Report of Conferees on Resolve in favor of Oliver Perkins] Mr. Williams from the Conferees on the part of the Senate respecting the disagreement of the two Houses upon the Resolve in favor of Oliver Perkins, reported that they had met the Conferees on the part of the House, had consulted upon the subject matter in dispute, and the Conferees recommend to the Senate to recede from their vote for the purpose of amending the Resolve, Report accepted. The Senate then voted to reconsider their former vote, amended and passed the Resolve to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Bill additional to an Act establishing the times of holding the Sup. Jud. court] On motion by Mr. Williams the Senate took up the Engrossed Bill additional to An Act establishing the times of holding the Supreme Judicial Court within this state and committed the same to Messrs. Williams, Hathaway and Butman.
[Bill providing for the appointment of Sheriffs.] Bill providing for the appointment of Sheriffs in the several Counties and defining their general powers and duties came up referred to the Committee on the Judiciary for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
Mr. Dennett from the Committee reported in a new draft