[Motion. pet. of John Thompson & als.] On motion by Mr. Sweat the petition of John Thompson & others was taken from the files and committed to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals. Sent down for concurrence
[Message from House elected Isaac Hodsdon Maj. Gen. 3d. Div.] Message from the House of Representatives, “that they had on their part elected Isaac Hodsdon Major General of the third Division of the Militia of this State and request the concurrence of the Senate.
[Resolve establishing the seat of Government.] Resolve establishing the seat of Government came up from the House as by them ordered to be re-engrossed as taken into a new draft marked F. and the Senate reconsidered their former votes and postponed this Resolve indefinitely. Sent down for concurrence.
[Report. Bill to reduce the Capital Stock of the Bangor Bank] Mr. Churchill from the Committee reported “Bill to reduce the Capital Stock of the Bangor Bank” in a new draft and the same was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as taken into this new draft. Sent down for concurrence.
[Bill to incorporate the Props. of Edgecomb Bridge] Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of Edgecomb Bridge came up amended for concurrence and the Senate concurred in part and passed the Bill to be engrossed as thus amended. Sent down for concurrence.
[Motion, to elect Maj. Gen. 3d. Div.] On motion by Mr. Balkam and the Senate assigned tomorrow at eleven oClock in the forenoon for coming to the choice of a Major General of the third Division
Mr. Balkam from the Committee on Militia &c reported leave to withdraw on the several petitions
[Report on pet. of Inhs. of Alexander] of Inhabitants of Alexander
[Report on pet. of Inhs. of Baring] of Inhabitants of Baring and
[Report on pet. of Inhs. of Charlotte] of Inhabitants of Charlotte Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence