[Report relating to the Massachusetts claims.] Mr. Churchill from the Committee on that part of the Governor’s message relating to the Massachusetts claims, reported, that as the Legislature has repeatedly instructed our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use all proper measures to obtain the allowance of the claims; and the Committee have full confidence that such measures will be used, and the subject having been discussed early in the present session of Congress, it is the opinion of the Committee that it is unnecessary to take any further measures on the subject. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred
[Bill authorizing the town of Kittery to receive toll upon a bridge] Bill authorizing the town of Kittery to receive toll upon a bridge to be erected therein was read a second time and passage refused. Mr. Dennett gave notice that he should tomorrow at 1/2 past three oClock move for a reconsideration of this vote. Members present “twelve”
[Message from the Governor transmitting a Resolution of Alabama] Message from the Governor, transmitting a Joint Resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama, was taken up, and on motion referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions. sent down for concurrence Concurred
[Resolve in favor of the Props. of Merrymeeting Bridge] Resolve in favor of the Proprietors of Merrymeeting Bridge came up referred to the next Legislature for concurrence and the Senate concurred
[Bill ceding to the U.S. the jurisdiction of Whalesback & Wood Island] Bill ceding to the United States the Jurisdiction of Whalesback and Wood Island, came from the House, was read once and ordered to a second reading, again read and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.
[Bill to incorporate the] Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Great Meadow Dam in