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[Bill to reduce the Cap. stock Bangor Bank] Bill authorizing the reduction of the Capital Stock of the Bangor Bank

[Bill to incorporate the Propr. of G. Mea. Dam.] Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Great Meadow Dam in Topsham

[" Bill to regulate the fees of Jurors] Bill regulating the fees of Jurors and

[" Bill to incorporate the Washington Co. Bible Society] Bill to incorporate the Washington County Bible Society, and the same were passed to be ENACTED

and also

[Resolve in favor of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary] Resolve in favor of the Maine Wesley Seminary and

[Resolve in favor of Thomas Todd] Resolve in favor of Thomas Todd and the same were finally passed

and these Bills and Resolves were presented to the GOVERNOR for his approbation and signature



Eben. Hutchinson Secretary