passing this Resolve to be engrossed as amended.
[Resolve respecting the Managers of Sullivan Bridge Lottery] Resolve respecting the Managers of the Sullivan Bridge Lottery was read once ordered to a second reading, again read and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Resolve for repairing &c the road fm. Baring to Houlton Palnta.] Resolve for repairing and completing the road from Baring towards Houlton Plantation was read a second time and committed to Messrs Williams, Dennett and Balkam
[Report. Resolve in favor of Thomas Todd] Mr. Dennett from the Committee on his petition therefor reported Resolve in favor of Thomas Todd and the same was read once and tomorrow 10 assigned for a second readg,
Mr. Grover from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied, viz.
[Report. Bill incorpg the M. F. Ins. Compy.] Bill incorporating the Mutual Fire Insurance Company
[" Falls Sluiceway] Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Falls Sluiceway
[" Kennebec Agricultural Soceity] Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Agricultural Society, and
[" add. respecting Banks] Bill additional respecting Banks and the same were passed to be enacted
and also
[" Resolve in favor of Joel Wellington & Samuel Whitney] Resolve in favor of Joel Wellington and Samuel Whitney and the same was finally passed
and these Bills and Resolves were presented to the Governor for his approbation and signature
Ebenr. Hutchinson Secretary