[Resolve authorizing the Gov. to com. W. French] Resolve authorizing the Governor to commission Wm French to solemnize marriages &c came up and the Senate adhere to their former vote refusing the same a passage. sent down.
[Resolve authorizing the treas. of State to make a loan of money] Resolve authorizing the Treasurer of the State to make a loan of money was read once, 3 this afternoon assigned for a second reading and committed to Messrs Butman Sweat and Williams.
[Resolve in favor of Josiah Dunn Jun. Moses Sweat & Noah Weeks.] Resolve in favor of Josiah Dunn Junr, Moses Sweat and Noah Weeks laid on the table by leave given to Mr Sweat was read once, 3 this afternoon assigned for a second readg and committed to Messrs Washburn, Dennett & Elwell
[Resolve providing funds for the establishment of town Libraries] Resolve providing funds for the establishment of town Libraries was read a second time and referred to the next Legislature. Sent down for concurrence
[Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Canal Company] Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Canal Company came from the House referred to the next Legislature and ordered to be printed in the Somerset Journal and American Patriot, Advocate, sixty days at least before the commencement of the next Legislature, for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[Bill further prescribing the duties of Sheriffs] Bill further prescribing the duties of Sheriffs, came from the House referred to the next Legislature & ordered to be printed &c and the Senate refuse a concurrence and adhere to their vote postponing the Bill indefinitely.
[Report. Bill to incorporate the Schoodiac River Log Company] Mr Sweat from the Committee on Turnpikes &c on the petition of John Barnard and George Downs reported Bill to incorporate the Schoodiac River Log Company and the same was read once and 4 this afternoon assigned for a 2d Readg