Saturday February 24th 1827
[Report Bill add. respecting Highways] Mr Sweat from the Committee reported Bill additional respecting Highways and the same was read and passed to be engrossed as amended in the new draft proposed by the House, Sent down for concurrence.
[Bill add. to organize &c the Militia] Bill additional to An Act to organize, govern and discipline the Militia came, and the Senate adhere to their former vote passing this Bill to be engrossed
[Report on pet. of Charles Hayden & als] Mr Stebbins from the Committee on the Judiciary reported leave to withdraw on the several petitions of Charles Hayden and others &
[Elijah Winslow & als] of Elijah Winslow and others
Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred
that Legislation is inexpedient to them submitted by orders
[Poor Debtors] - expediency of amending the Law for the relief of Poor Debtors, so as to give the Creditor a more effectual remedy
[Convicts] - and expediency of repealing the Law authorizing courts to liberate convicts &c. Read and accepted, Sent down for concurrence. Concurred
[Report, Bill add. respecting proceedings in Courts of Probate] Report of the Committee on the Judiciary that “Bill additional respecting proceedings in Courts of Probate,” ought not to pass came from the House accepted for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[Resolve in reference of Passamaquoddy Bank] Resolve in reference to the Passamaquoddy Bank was read and passed to be engrossed in concurrence
[Bill add. to an Act granting a Lottery for C & D Canal] Bill additional to An Act granting a Lottery for the benefit of Cumberland and Oxford Canal and the same was read once and a second reading refused. Sent down.