Gentlemen, the variety of objects which have here formed our circle of business and of pleasure will crowd upon the recollection with renewed force.
Having cooperated together during the present session, to lend strength and support to those free institutions, which involve the most important interests of our fellow citizens, we are at length called to bid each other adieu; with the sincerity of a friend I would now tender to you an affectionate farewell and would offer my best wishes for your individual prosperity and happiness – may you revisit, in safety your respective families, and in the delightful retreats of private friendship surrounded by those endeared to you by their virtues may you experience every enjoyment that can render life a blessing – in the quiet of home as you review your official conduct may you be enabled to look back upon it with unmingled satisfaction, and while the moral, the civil, and social relations of our state afford the most pleasing anticipations, may impartial conscience find nothing to disapprove; and when Gentlemen, you shall be called to sleep in Death, and time with you shall be no longer, may your memories be consecrated by the blessings of the good and may you share in the rewards of a blissful immortality
[Resolve add. to the Pay Roll] Resolve additional to the Pay Roll was read once ordered to a second reading, again read and passed to be engrossed Sent down for concurrence.
[Resolve in favor of Daniel Rose.] Resolve in favor of Daniel Rose came up referred to the next Legislature for concurrence and the Senate concurred
[Report, relative to the erection of the public buildings] Mr Williams from the Committee to whom was referred an order of the first instant directing them to consider the expediency of receiving proposals for the erection of the public buildings payable out of the public lands, reported a reference of the subject to the next Legislature Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred