[Report on pet. of Inht of 1st Parish in Brunswick.] Mr. Stebbins from the Committee on the Judiciary reported leave to withdraw on the petition of the Inhabitants of the first Parish in Brunswick. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence Concurred
[Motion, relative to adjournment] On motion by Mr. Dennett, Ordered that when the Senate adjourn, they adjourn to meet again at 7 oClock this Evening
[Resolve on the Pay Roll of the House] Evening, Resolve on the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives came up with a proposition for a conference which the Senate refuse and adhere to their former vote passing this Resolve to be engrossed as amended. Sent down.
[Report. Resolve respecting the Dep. Sec. of State.] Mr. Williams from the Conferees on the disagreement of the two Houses concerning the “Resolve respecting the Deputy Secretary of State;” reported that they had met the conferees of the House, and had heard no arguments to induce them to change their opinion; they therefore recommend an adherence by the Senate passing the Resolve to be engrossed as taken into a new draft. Read and accepted and the Senate voted to adhere, accordingly.
[Report. Bill fixing the place of the permanent seat of Government &c.] Mr. Southwick from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported to be truly copied, Bill fixing the place of the permanent seat of Government and prescribing where the Legislature shall hold its session and the same was passed to be
Members present “Eighteen” And this Bill was presented to the GOVERNOR for his approbation and signature
[Resolve add. to the Pay Rolls.] Resolve additional to the Pay Roll came up indefinitely postponed for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[" Clerk hire] Resolve respecting clerk hire came from the House in a new draft up