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Wednesday January 31st 1827


[Mr Southwick added to Com. on State Lands.] On motion by Mr Gardner the Senate added Mr Southwick to the Committee on State Lands and information thereof was communicated to the House by message.

[Report. Bill on Pet. of James Neal & als] Mr Stebbins from the Committee on the Judiciary reported leave for a Bill on the petition of James Neal & al – concd

[Report. Bill on Addl. Act to secure owners their property in logs &c] " leave for a Bill on an order of January 9 on the subject of amending an Additional Act to secure to the owners their property in logs &c Concd.


[" Bill making further provisions for trial by jury in certain cases.] " on an order of January 17th concerning further provisions for trial by Jury in certain cases, that Legislation is inexpedient – Read and accepted Sent for concurrence, Concurred

[Bill to incorporate the Handel Musical Society] Bill to incorporate the Handel Musical Society of Fayette was read a second time and passage refused, Sent down for concurrence.

[Bill to change the name of Montgomery] Bill to change the name of the town of Montgomery was read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.

[Bill for the further protection of towns from fire.] Mr. Kimball from the Committee reported in a new draft Bill for the further protection of towns from fire and the same was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as taken into this new draft. Sent down for concurrence.

[Albion K. Parris elected Senator to the Congress of the U.S.] Agreeably to assignment the Senate proceeded to ballot for the choice of a Senator from this State in the Congress of the United States Messrs Stebbins, Sweat and Grover were appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count the votes, who, having attended to that duty reported that the whole number of votes given was 19
