citizens of Brewer and Bangor. Capt. Swetts
now said to Dole that he could not do it
for all the places where taking up and promised
by higher authority then he had, Gov Washburn
writes that he doesn't know of any such promises
being made to anyone, so you see that there is
something wrong abought this matter we do not
understand it, we supposed that it would [render?]
Capt. Swett more efficient to have some one who
had experience in Army Drill and one who has a
large circle of Friends to aid him and who would
take pride in the matter, number of private letters
have been sent to Gov. Washburn this week in
favor of this matter Major Dole said that he had
laid this matter before you, and thought that
would do all you could in the case. Dole
that you might do something with Major
Hunt who has the most to do with these Battrey
I hope you will do all your Friends in
Brewer & Bangor, who would ever be gratefull
to you this favor, you will pardon me for
this long letter on Dole account I have written
you the Facts in the case.
Yours Truly Geo. W. Washburn