(47) Mr. Kingsbury moved that the order lie on the table, and the motion was negatived.
[motion to postpone] Mr. Gardner moved that the further consideration of the order be postponed till half past three o'clock this afternoon, and the motion was negatived.
[motion to adjourn] Mr. Kingsbury moved that the Senate now adjourn and the question on this motion, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the negative as follows: [Yeas] Yeas Messrs. Drummond, Gardner, Healey, Hilton, Hinds, Kinsgbury, Morse & Phelps -8 [Nays] Nays Messrs. Davee, Dunlap, Hall Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Megquier & Steel -8
[Mr. Phelps communication] Mr. Phelps had leave to read and lay on the table a Communication signed by himself and seven other Members of the Senate. See Journal: Page 75 and appendix; Page XVI.
[Message to nonconcur the House in proposed convention] On motion by Mr. Megquier; Ordered that a Message be sent to the House of Representatives, that the Senate nonconcur the House of Representatives in their proposition to meet in convention this day at eleven o'clock A.M. for the purpose of filling deficiencies in the Senate, for the following reasons: 1o. Because the Senate have not determined what deficiencies exist in the Senate. 2o.Because the Senate have not ascertained who are the Constitutional Candidates to fill such deficiencies, if any exist. But the Senate will communicate with the House of Representatives, as soon as deficiencies are determined, and the Constitutional Candidates ascertained, proposing a Convention of the Members of the two Houses, for the