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XXII of the Legislature the most careful attention. Since the thirtieth of April 1823m more than Seventy thousand dollars have been drawn from the Treasury of the State on account of this establishment, to which sum must be added the earnings of the Convicts, to make an estimate of the total expense. The Committee appointed by last Legislature on the affairs of the Prison, made to the Governor and Council, in June last, a report in part, and, in January, a report in full, which are herewith laid before you.

  I would particularly recommend an examination of the causes which have rendered our State Prison so expensive, compared with these of other States; and in this examination, an inquiry into the disadvantages of the location of the Prison, appears to me to be of great importance. If the location is such that the Prison can not, by the best management be rendered other than a perpetual and heavy expense to the State, the sooner the Legislature know it the better. On the other hand, if Thomaston is found to be the most suitable, place, I am of opinion that the Prison Yard and wharf may be enlarged to great advantage, and that a further appropriation will be necessary to meet the expense.
 The Land Agent has made to the Executive his Annual Report, and when his Accounts for the past year are settled by the Council, copies of the same and his account of sales will be transmitted to the Legislature.
  I consider the subject of the Public lands the most important which will come under your consideration. On account of inaccuracy of surveys, the Lands Agent has been obliged to insert a clause in his deeds, that in case the Tract conveyed may be found not to contain the quantity represented, the Purchaser shall have no claim upon the State, for the deficiency. There is a loss in the outset; if such uncertainly exists, in consequence of imperfect surveys, no prudent man will give so high a price for land, as he would, were it otherwise, Neither the Government nor its Agents appear ever to have had a proper knowledge of the value of the lands granted, or offered for sale, nor have been able to give correct information to those who were disposed to purchase.
 On the plans deposited in the office of the Secretary State,