Necessary to make a choice 4264 Hon Robert P Dunlap has 4524 John L Megquire 4524 Theodore Ingalls 4523 and are chosen Lincoln District
Whole number of votes 6596
Necessary to make a choice 3299 Hon Syms Gardner Esqr has 3645 Ebenezer Hilton 3376 James Drummond 3641 Halsey Healey 3636 and are chosen Hancock District Whole number of votes 3975 Necessary to make a choice 1988 Joshua Hall Esqr has 2351 Hon Charles Hutchings Junr 2327 and are chosen Washington District Whole number of votes 1727 Necessary to make a choice 864 Hon. Obadiah Hill has 841 Scattering 38 no choice. Kennebec District
Whole number of votes 6344
Necessary to make a choice 3173 Hon. Sandford Kingsbery has 4529 Elijah Morse Esq 4302 Asher Hinds 4499 and are chosen Oxford District Whole number of votes 4242 Necessary to make a choice 2122