Resolve in favor of Anthony Merchant was read 1st time & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 2d. reading
Bill for the regulation of Innholders Retailers & Common Victuallers came from the Senate for concurrence indefinitely postponed - and the House nonconcur and adhere to their former vote passing the Bill to be Engrossed - sent up for concurrence
Bill additional act to the several acts relating to the taking of salmon shad and alewives in Kennebec river was read 1 & 2 time and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d. reading
Resolve in favor of Daniel J. Perley was taken up and the House adhere to their vote indefinitely postponing the same sent up for concurrence
And the House adjourned until 7 o'clock this Evening
Met according to adjournment
Resolve for the payment of accounts against the State was read 1st time & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 2d. reading
Bill to Encourage literature & the useful arts & sciences was taken up the question being upon the reconsideration of the vote indefinitely postponing the same & the House refused to reconsider their vote so far as relates to the first section & before any further question was taken therein the House adjourned -
Thornton McGaw Clerk