Bill to incorporate the Waterville Gardiner & Boston Packet Company was read a 3d. time & passed to be Engrossed in concurrence
Resolve Establishing a valuation for the State came from the Senate passed to be Engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked B - and the House so far reconsider their former vote as to adopt the amendment proposed by the Senate and pass the Bill to be Engrossed as thus amended in concurrence
Resolve in relation to persons settled on the Public Lands without title came from the Senate passed to be Engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked B for concurrence - & the House so far recede from their former vote as to adopt the amendment of the Senate and pass the Bill to be Engrossed as thus amended in concurrence
Bill additional to an act directing the method of laying out Highways & providing for the appointment of County Commissioners laid on the table by Mr. Barnard of Alna was read 1 & 2 time and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d. reading
Report on Petition of Edmund Munro and others granting an order of notice was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate
Bill to Encourage Literature & the useful arts & sciences came from the Senate they having reconsidered their former vote and passed the Bill to be Engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked E for concurrence & the House nonconcur & adhere to their former vote indefinitely postponing the same sent up for concurrence
Mr. Mowry of Lubec has leave of absence after this