[Order.] On motion of Mr. Kingsbery, Ordered, that Three hundred copies of the Resolve for dividing the State into Districts for the choice of Senators, be printed for the use of the Legislature.
[Order.] Ordered, on motion of Mr. Megquier, that the Joint Standing committees be instructed to report on all subjects refered to them on a day as early as may be. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
[Bill relating to the repair of Highways] An additional Act directing the method of laying out and making provision for the repair and amendment of highways, and for the appointment of county commissioners, came up from the House, taken into a new draft. The Senate reconsider their vote whereby they passed the original Bill to be engrossed, adopt the new draft, and pass the same to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence, came up with further amendments, which the Senate adopt.
[Resolve making passable certain portages] Resolve for clearing out and making passable certain portages in this State was read a second time and refered to the Joint standing committee on State lands. Sent down for concurrence.
Attest, Nathaniel Sweat Littlefield, Secretary