[Bills passed to be engrossed.] "An additional Act relating to Bowdoin College" "Resolve in favour of Ezekiel Stearns" "An additional Act concerning records of Justices of the Peace" and "An Act incorporating the Town of Blanchard -" were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed.
[Resolve respecting line between Hollis & Lyman.] Resolve respecting the dividing line between Hollis and Lyman, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence, came up nonconcurred. Senate adhere.
[Report relating to toll & other Bridges] The select committee to whom was refered an Act for the preservation of Toll and other Bridges, reported the same as taken into a new draft, and the same was passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Resolve apportioning Representatives] Resolves apportioning the Representatives among the several counties, Towns, plantations and classes at the second apportionment, was taken up and after some debate the Senate
Attest Nathaniel Sweat Littlefield Secretary.