insolvent debtors, read and passed, in concurrence.
[Bill refered.] "An Act concerning corporations" was read once and refered to Messrs. Kingsbery, Sweat and Hutchings.
[Pet. & Report refered] The report of M. P. Norton, under a Resolve of March 5, 1830, on the petition of J. B. Harvey and others, was read and refered to the Joint standing committee on State lands in concurrence.
[report on an order relating to equitable claims] Mr. Megquier, from the Joint standing committee on the Judiciary to whom was refered an order instructing said committee to enquire whether the second section of an Act passed on the eighth day of March 1826, entitled an additional Act for the settlement of certain equitable claims arising in real actions, ought not to be repealed, reported that in the opinion of said committee said section ought not to be repealed. read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
[Report on the pet. of William Goodwin] The report of the committee on the incorporation of Towns on the petition of William Goodwin and others, granting leave to withdraw, was read and accepted, in concurrence.
[Bills enacted] The committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly copied from the originals, the following Bills - To wit. "An Act to incorporate the Strout point wharf Company" and "An Act authorizeing the Inhabitants of the North District in the county of Washington to choose a Register of Deeds" and the same were severally passed to be enacted.