Monday, March 7, 1831.
[Bills enacted.] The committee on engrossed Bills, reported as truly copied from the originals, the following Bills, To wit. "An Act to regulate the taking of fish in Sheepscut [Sheepscot] river" "An Act authorizeing The Town of Bangor to build a bridge over the Kenduskeag stream," "An additional Act relating to the State prison." and "An additional Act concerning records of Justices of the Peace." and the same were passed to be enacted.
[Resolve finally passed.] The same committee reported as truly copied a "Resolve in favour of William Witt" and the question on the final passage of said Resolve being ordered to be taken by yeas and Nays, was decided in the affirmative as follows, To wit.
[Yeas.] Yeas. Messrs. Davee, Dole, Drummond, Eastman, Fuller, Goodwin, Hall, Hutchings, Hutchinson, Kingsbery, Harding and Morse. 12.
[Nays.] Nays. Messrs. Dunlap, Gardner, Hinds, Ingalls, Megquier and Steele 6
[Report on the pet. of Mary L. Davis] Mr, Megquier from the Joint standing committee on the Judiciary, reported leave to withdraw, on the petition of Mary L. Davis, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
[Report on the pet. of Thomas Bartlett.] Mr. Davee from the Joint standing committee on the Incorporation of Towns, reported reference to the next Legislature on the petition of Thomas Bartlett