as to consider that part of the question relating to the District of York separately, on which part of the question the yeas and nays being ordered, the same was decided in the negative as follows, to wit:
[Yeas] Yeas. Messrs. Drummond, Eastman, Hinds & Kingsbery - 4
[Nays.] Nays. Messrs. Davee, Dole, Fuller, Gardner, Goodwin, Hall, Harding, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Megquier, Morse, Pike, Steele and Sweat 16.
[Amendment proposed.] Mr. Fuller then moved to amend said Resolve by striking out and inserting in such manner as to allow the counties of Hancock and Washington to be classed into one District, and to choose three Senators, and the question being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the negative as follows, To wit:
[Yeas.] Yeas. Messrs. Eastman and Fuller - 2.
[Nays.] Nays Messrs. Davee, Dole, Drummond, Dunlap, Gardner, Goodwin, Hall, Harding, Hinds, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Kingsbery, Megquier, Morse, Pike, Steele and Sweat, 18 -
[Amendment proposed.] Mr. Kingsbery then moved to amend said Resolve in such manner as to allow the county of Hancock to elect two Senators, and the county of Washington one, which question being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the negative as follows, To wit.
[Yeas.] Yeas. Messrs. Dole, Drummond, Eastman, Fuller, Gardner, Harding, Hinds, Kingsbery and Morse - 9
[Nays.] Nays Messrs. Davee, Dunlap, Goodwin, Hall, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Megquier, Pike, Steele and Sweat - 11 -
Attest, Nathaniel Sweat Littlefield, Secretary