to the Ninth Eastern Boundary of this State accompanying the same Report was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Bill - to exempt certain goods &c from attachment]
Bill additional to exempt certain goods and Chattels from attachment, execution and distress came up in a new draft which the Senate adopt, amend and pass to be engrossed as in this new draft amended sent down for concurrence.
[pet of A. Sanborn, Bill literary Fraternity of Waterville College]
Mr Cushman from the Committee on literature &c on the petition of A. Sanborn and others reported Bill to incorporate the Literary Fraternity of Waterville College and the same was read once ordered to a second reading, again read and passed to be engrossed, sent down for concurrence.
[Resolve Adj & Quarter Master Gen' accounts]
Resolve providing for the payment of the Adjutant and Quarter Master General Accounts came from the House acceptance refuse for concurrence and the Senate adhere to their vote passing this Resolve to be engrossed sent down,
[Bill to dive town of Bristol & incor town of Bremen]
Bill to divide the town of Bristol and incorporate the town of Bremen was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence,
[pet. of G. Merrill & others]
[Bill - militia]
Mr Balkam from the Committee on Militia &c on petition of Giles Merrill and others officers of the Militia and on order of January 18th reported "Bill providing for the appointment of a Board of Officers and for other persons appertaining to the Militia" and the same was read once, Monday 11 oclock assigned for a second reading & 200 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the Members of the Legislature
[Resolve J.B Prince]
Resolve in favor of Joseph B. Prince and Bill