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of Portland had eighty four - and he was declared duly elected, eighty two only, being necessary to constitute a choice.

Bill - repealing so much of an act entitled an act to repeal an Act to establish Courts of Sessions and for establishing Courts of Sessions passed February 24th 1825. and so much of an additional act respecting highways passed February 24 1827 as provides for the appointment of a standing committee to view and lay out roads, and vesting that power in the Courts of Sessions for each County, laid on the table by Mr Hazeltine on leave obtained for that purpose, was read 1st & 2nd time and Tuesday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.

Bill - establishing the salaries of the Judge & Register of Probate for the County of Waldo, was called up and referred to Messrs Alden of North Port, Smith of Nobleboro & Ingersol of Danville.

Bill - additional to an Act enabling the owners of Meeting houses to manage the same, was read a second time & tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a third reading.

The committee on engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Bill - to alter the time for holding the fall term of the Court of Sessions in the Country of Oxford. which was passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

Petitions of Henriette Goulding and of Winborne A. W. Jameson praying for leave to change their names were severally read & referred to the committee on change of names.

Resolve additional to a Resolve authorizing the purchase of Books for the use of the Legislature, was read a second time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill - additional to an act concerning the assessment & collection of taxes, was called up and referred to Messrs Fuller of Augusta