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to secure to owners their property in logs, masts & spars in certain cases, with leave &c - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.

Ordered, that the joint committee who have under consideration certain Probate Salaries in the Counties of Washington and Somerset, be further empowered and directed, to consider & report what other alterations are necessary and proper to be made in said Salaries in the other Counties in the State - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.

The report of the committee to inquire into the expediency of so altering the 3d Sec. of an act respecting highways passed Feby 24 1827 as that in all cases Selectmen of towns & assessors of plantations shall be notified in writing of the bad State of the highways & the intention to complain at least thirty days previous to information being made to the S. J. Court or Court of Common Pleas, that legislation is unnecessary on that subject, came again from the Senate, that body adhering to their vote accepting said report - The House referred the report & accompanying papers to Messrs Fogg of Liberty, Robbins of Union, Goodwin of South Berwick, Randall of Harpswell, Williams of Readfield, Hutchinson of Hebron, Barrett of Canaan, Leonard of Brewer, Allen of Sedwick & Moore of Steuben

Petition of Josiah Towle for relief on account of having sustained loss in the purchase of lands from the State &c - was read & referred to Messrs Lord of Newport, Gould of Sangerville & Blethen of Thorndike



James L Child
