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Mr Mitchell of Freeport laid upon the Clerks table the following order, which being read by the Clerk was unanimously passed - viz

   Ordered, that the thanks of this House be presented to the Hon. John Ruggles, Speaker, for the able & faithful discharge of the duties of his office during the present session of the Legislature - and that this house, duly impressed with the responsibility and importance of the various duties incumbent on the Chair, consider this public expression of their approbation as justly due, for the impartial & dignified manner in which its laborious duties have been discharged; and that he will please to carry with him to his constituents and into domestic life the best wishes and feelings of the members of this House.

To which the Speaker replied as follows,

 Gentlemen of the House of Representatives
    The very flattering expressions of approbation with which you have been pleased to honor me, inspires the liveliest emotions of gratitude. It is the more grateful to my feelings, emanating from a quarter toward which is directed a general sentiment of respect and esteem. To have possessed so great a share of the public confidence as to be called to preside over the deliberations of the assembled representatives of the people, was gratifying to my highest ambition; and to have been able so to discharge the arduous duties of the Chair, as in ant degree to merit your commendation is to me a source of pride and satisfaction. I ought not to omit, on this occasion, to bear testimony to the intelligence & ability which have characterized your deliberations, the fidelity and constancy with which you have sought to promote the public good and the harmony and good feeling which have prevailed in all your proceedings. May we not entertain a confidence that our labors have not been in vain - that some of the measures of this legislature will have a favorable influence on the great and important interests of the State,