Tuesday January 20th 1829.
Met according to adjournment
A communication was received from the Secretary of State transmitting in obedience to the order of the House of 17 inst. such returns of Highway Taxes as have been received from the Assessors of towns & plantations at his office - which with the accompanying documents was referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals. Sent up for concurrence.
On motion of Mr McCobb of Phipsburg Ordered that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing law, further regulating the inspection of Hogshead Shooks - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.
On motion of Mr Shaw of Wiscasset Ordered, That Messrs Shaw of Wiscasset, Leach of Penobscot & Leach of Raymond be a committee to take into consideration the necessity of providing by law for an annual return by every town & plantation in this State of the following statistical facts - amount expended in building Bridges - repairing Bridges - making new roads - repairing old roads - the number of miles length of roads, from place to place through such town or thoroughfare & the length of private or town roads, not leading directly to other towns - The number & expense of Paupers & the proportion of foreigners among them, their conditions & ages - The number of pupils at public & private schools - The amount of costs in suits on Pauper cases, to be returned by Clerks of Courts - read & passed.
A communication was received from David Crowell