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Petition of Jemima Whitney & als that the name of Ann Whitney be changed to Ann Bishop was read & referred to the Committee on Change of Names.

Petition of Thomas Cunningham & als and accompanying papers taken from last years files of the Senate, came down referred to the committee on incorporation of towns for concurrence. - and the House concurred.

Petition of Salter Soper, setting forth that he is blind & poor and afflicted & praying to be exempted from taxation, was read & referred to Messrs Latham of Gray, Goodwin of Dresden & Sawyer of Porter.

Petition of Joseph Stockbridge & als of Freeport to be incorporated for the purpose of erecting a bridge in said town, was read & referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals. Sent up for concurrence.

And the House adjourned.

Attest James L Child Clerk.