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to inquire into the expediency of passing a law regulating the public sale of real estate for taxes so far that the legality of said said sale shall not be contested after the term of ___ years with leave &c - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence

Petitions of Eliphalet Pettingall & als for further time to pay for their lands - - of Pelatiah McDonald that his lands may be confirmed to him - were severally read & referred to the Committee on State Lands. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of John Hearsey, Administrator of the estate of Joseph Holland with the will annexed, that his doings may be made valid, was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the committee on the Judiciary.

Petition of Edwd Williams to be allowed for expenses upon the State lot in Augusta - - of Joshua Hubbard for relief on account of the location of a certain road - were severally referred in concurrence with the Senate to the committee on Claims.

Bill - to annex part of the town of Surry to the town of Ellsworth came down, the Senate having adopted the amendments of the House of the 10th instant and then passed the Bill to be engrossed as amended - and nonconcurring the House in their vote of the 10th instant referring the same to the next Legislature was considered, & then ordered to lie on the table -

Mr Hubbard of Cornish has leave of absence after Monday next for four days.

Adjourned until afternoon -

Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.

The House took up the consideration of the Bill - to annex part of the town of Surry to the town of Ellsworth - the question put to the House being "Will you recede from your vote of the 10th inst referring the Bill to the next Legislature" and the