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The committee on engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Resolve laying a tax on the several Counties in this State - - authorizing the Governor to cause a Gun House to be erected in Farmington which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence

Report on petition of George Reid & als granting an order of notice was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill - to incorporate the Springvale Printworks Company came from the Senate with an amendment - and the House agreed to the proposed amendment & passed the Bill to be engrossed as thus amended in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill - to incorporate the Eastport Savings Bank, reported with sundry amendments which were adopted, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed as thus amended. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - to prevent the destruction of Fish in Sebasticook River was taken up & considered, & then ordered to lie on the table

Mr Williams of Augusta was appointed on the committee on so much of the Governors Speech as relates to the Tariff, in lieu of Mr Fiske of Fayette who has leave of absence.

Resolve in favor of John K Smith was read once & tomorrow at ten o clock assigned for a 2nd Reading.

Bill - repealing part of an Act establishing the duties to be paid by certain officers therein named, was read 1st & 2d time & tomorrow at ten o clock assigned for a 3d Reading

On motion of Mr Vance of Baring Ordered, That Messrs Smith of Nobleboro', Baldwin