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Thursday January 22nd 1829

Met according to adjournment.

Bill - An act to repeal part of an Act to restrain unincorporated Banking Associations and for other purposes, reported by the Committee to whom on the 13th inst. the subject was referred, was read once, and tomorrow at ten o clock assigned for a second reading.

The committee to whom was referred on the 20th inst a Bill entitled "An act in addition to an act entitled an act regulating elections - reported that it is inexpedient to legislate upon the subject - and the report was accepted.

Petition of Nathan Smith & als of Bowdoinham & Litchfield for a new town - of Edward Wight & als to be set off from Penobscot to Bluehill - also Remonstrance of the Selectmen of Thorndike agst the petition of Adam Weed - of Stephen Wardwell & als against the petition of Edward Wight & als were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of John L Hancock & als for an act to entitle the discover of mines to a portion of the benefit resulting from such discovery, was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.

The committee on engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed, Resolve providing for the promulgation of the laws of the State which was finally passed - The question was taken by yeas & nays & decided as follows Yeas 79 Nays 53 [see appendix page 279.] Sent up for concurrence.