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[Report Legislation inexpedient] Judiciary on order of January 14th on the subject of authorizing towns having more than 800. Inhabitants to raise a greater sum of money for the repair of highways, than by law they are now allowed to raise, reported that legislation is inexpedient. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.

[Bills passed to be engrossed] Bill limiting the tenure of office of the Adjutant General " to incorporate the Ellsworth Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Bill in addition to the several Acts for the regulation of Innholders, Retailers and common Victuallers were read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.

[Bill to be engrossed] Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Leather Manufactory was read a second time and the question of passing this Bill to be engrossed was decided in the affirmative by yeas and nays ordered on motion of Mr. Kingsbury.

[Yeas & Nays] Yeas Messrs. Cutler, Cushman, Dane, French, Gardner, Healey, Hill, Holbrook, Grover, Kingsbury, Page, Parsons & Witham 13 Nays Messrs. Bodwell, Drummond, Emerson, Phelps, Ricker and Usher. 6 Sent down for concurrence.

[Bill respecting receivers &c] Mr. Kingsbury from the Committee on the Judiciary on order of February 4th reported Bill additional defining the powers of the Judicial Courts in granting recievers and for other purposes read once and Monday 10 oClock assigned for a second reading.

[Resolve on the Pet. of Bowdoin College] Resolve on the petition of Bowdoin College came up and the Senate insist upon their former vote passing this Resolve to be engrossed, propose a Confernce and appoint Messrs Page, Cushman and Drummond conferred.