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Thursday February 26th, 1829

[Bill to promote education] Bill additional to an Act providing for the promotion of education was read once and tomorrow 10 oClock assigned for a second reading.

[Bill for Lottery postponed] Bill authorizing a Lottery for the benefit of the Damariscotta Canal was indefinitely postponed in concurrence.

[Bill for preservation of Fish in Penobscot River] Bill additional to the several acts for the preservation of fish in Penobscot River and Bay and the several streams emptying into the same was read a second time and committed to Messrs. Parsons, Hill and Holbrook.

[leave to withdraw on Pet. D. Crooker] Mr. Hilton from the Committee on Militia &c. reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Daniel Crooker, Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

[Bills passed to be engrossed] Bill in further addition to an Act to regulate the Manufacture of Stone Lime and Lime Casks and Bill additional respecting Sheriffs as amended were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed. s.d.f.c.

Bill regulating the appointment of Overseers of Houses of correction was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.

[Bill establishing Salaries certain Officers refused a passage] Bill establishing the salaries of certain officers therein named was read a second time, amended and the question of passing this Bill to be engrossed, ordered on motion by Mr. Cushman to be taken by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows Yeas Mess. Kingsbury and Parsons 2. Nays Mess. Bodwell, Cushman, Dane, Drummond, Emerson, French, Gardner, Healey, Hill, Hilton, Holbrook, Grover, Page, Phelps, Ricker, Usher and Witham 17 and the Bill was sent to the House for concurrence.