to prevent Foreigners from exercising acts of Jurisdiction within this State by serving civil or criminal process 190.195.201 " to apportion and assess upon the Inhabitants of this State a Tax of fifty thousand dollars " additional to an act ascertaining what shall constitute the legal settlement and providing for the relief, support, employment and removal of the Poor " additional to exempt certain goods and chattels from attachment, execution and distress 193.198.200 " respecting County Roads 194 " to incorporate the Piscataquis Manufacturing Company 194.205.207 " authorizing Mechanics and others to sell property on which they have a lien 194 " to establish the rate of Interest and restrain the taking of excessive usury 198 " in further addition to an Act to organize, govern and discipline the Militia 200.204 " to prevent the destruction of Pickerel in Modomoc Long Pond 201.204 " additional respecting Clerks of Courts 201 " respecting the State Prison, and the Rules, regulations and management of the same 206
Banks, order to print Commissioners Report 34 " petition of Stockholders of Bangor Bills &c &c " " " Waterville Bill &c " order relating to Returns and printing same 57.61.65 " petition for a --------- at Hallowell 61 " order to inquire into the liabilities of the Directors of 66.87 " & Banking, order relating to Returns 73.187 " order relative to Stockholders as witnesses 79.141. Bill 147 " " Bill to incorporate the Franklin 83.97.125 " " additional respecting Winthrop 87.107 " saving, at Eastport " Bill in further addition to an Act respecting 139.159 " additional act to incorporate the Vassalborough 146.150.171