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that on his ballot, and also on the ballot of the member who sat next to him, was borne the names of Abijah Usher Junr Nathan D Appleton and Benjamin Pike, and therefore that the committee had miscounted the ballots given, whereupon on motion, it was voted that the committee proceed on a second ballot to receive sort and count the votes to supply the three deficiencies of Senators in said District, and that they be discharged from any further service on the first ballot - and the Committee having attended to the duty assigned to them reported that on the second ballot, the whole number of votes given to supply each of said deficiencies was eighty three - necessary to constitute an election forty two - That John Bodwell had eighty one - Abijah Usher Junior eighty three - Nathan D Appleton eighty three - & Benjamin Pike, two and John Bodwell, Abijah Usher Junior & Nathan D Appleton were declared elected

Mr Folsom of Eastport moved the following preamble & resolution- "State of Maine

 In Convention of the members of the House of Representatives and such Senators as have been elected-. February 2nd 1830
Whereas it is provided by the Constitution that "in case the full number of Senators to be elected from each District shall not have been so elected, the members of the House of Representatives * such Senators as shall have been elected, shall from the highest numbers of the persons voted for on the lists equal to twice the number of Senators deficient in every District, if there be so many voted for, elect by joint ballot the number of Senators required" - and whereas it appears by the Records of the Governor & Council, that on the ninth day of December last, the votes for Senators in the Senatorial Districts were counted, and that sixteen Senators were elected, and that there was no choice of a Senator in the District of Washington, and whereas it appears by a Report made by a committee appointed by the Senate to report on the election of Senators & the proceedings of that body on the same as appears by their