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The Clerk then called the roll of the House and one hundred and forty five members answered in their seats.

A committee consisting of Messrs Rowe of Belfast, Kent of Bangor, Smith of Nobleboro, Hoyt of Readfield & Searle of Norridgewock was appointed to receive, sort & count the votes for a Speaker[underlined] - and on counting the same it appeared the whole number given in, was One hundred & forty five - necessary to constitute an election Seventy three - that Daniel Goodenow had seventy three, John Ruggles seventy one, & William Clark one[underlined] - and Daniel Goodenow[double underlined] of Alfred[double underlined], was declared elected. On taking the Chair, the Speaker addressed the House as follow's,

"Gentlemen, I thank you for the distinguished honor you have conferred upon me, in assigning me this station. I have had but little experience in Legislation; and fear I shall not be able to meet your expectations. I can only say to you, gentlemen, that I will endeavor to learn my duty, and to perform it with integrity. And may that Beneficent Being, in whose hands are the destinies of nations, as well as individuals, preside over our deliberations, and guide us to such results as will best promote the great objects for which we are here assembled & the welfare and happiness of the people.

On motion of Mr Swan of Portland Ordered that the rules & orders of the last House of Representatives be adopted for the government of this House, until a new code shall be reported and accepted by the House - read & passed.

On motion of Mr Adams of Portland, Ordered that a message be sent to the Senate to inform them of the organization of the House, by the election of Daniel Goodenow Speaker and James L Child Clerk, and the